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Ahmedova D.SH. , Tashkent Medical Academy
Tokhtamuratova Z.SH. , Tashkent Medical Academy


The article deals with some of the topical issues of protection and promotion of human health. It is well known that a healthy lifestyle is the key to a long life. After all, each of us, in the first place, should think about our health. Thus, we will live a prosperous life and prevent many difficult diseases. To this end, we have monitored the improvement of the quality and effectiveness of student learning by "promoting the principles of a healthy lifestyle and physical activity, increasing the health index and eliminating health problems."


health, physical culture and sports, healthy lifestyle.


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MONITORING THE PROCESS OF «LEADING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE» AMONG STUDENTS OF THE TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY. (2023). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 3(2), 71-73.