Professor Emma Franke
Editor in Chief

Tinatin Khokhobasvili

The founder and a director of the circle of worldwide scientists, Address: Akhmeta Municipality: Village: Matani, Georgia, Dean of Faculty of "Medical Prevention and Public Health", Ferghana medical Institute of Public Health

Dr. Tea Mchedluri

Faculty of Education and Natural Sciences, Professor; Gori State University

Neli Goginashvili

Professor at Gori State Teaching University Education, Exact and Natural Sciences Faculty, Gori, Georgia

Alvian Mohamad Yapanto

Medical Faculty Yarsi University, Inodnesia

Alexander Vorotnikov Chemist
Ph.D, candidate of chemical sciences, Moscow State University, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia

Khojiev Dilmurod Yakhshievich
Termez Branch of Tashkent Medical Academy Candidate of Medical Sciences, Ph.D
Head of the Department of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy, Uzbekistan

Rezhepov Kuralbay Zhadigerovich

Сandidate of chemical sciences, senior researcher of the laboratory of low molecular biologically active compound, A.S.Sadykov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences.

Alimjanova Kholiskhan

Doctor of biological sciences, professor, leading specialist of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan

Nasirdinov Mavlonjon Ziyomiddinovich

Ph.D., Senior Lecturer of the Department of "Pathological Physiology" of Fergana Public Health Medical Institute

Boboev Isomiddin Davronovich

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of Biotechnology Department, professor. e-mail:

Rezhepov Kuralbay Zhadigerovich
Сandidate of chemical sciences, senior researcher of the laboratory of low molecular biologically active compound, A.S.Sadykov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences.

Rakhimova Gulnora Rahim kizi

Сandidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor, Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical  Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Sirojiddinova Khiromon Nuriddinova

Samarkand State medical university, PhD Department №1-Pediatrics and Neonatology

Zaynabiddinov Anvar Erkindjanovich

Andijan Institute of Economics and Construction Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs and Innovations. Doctor of Biological Sciences DsC Professor

Turayev Ilkhomjon Esanovich 
Leading Researcher at the Institute of Criminology of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences

Yuldashev Akramjon Sultanmuradovich

Department of Ecology and botany, Doctor of Biological Sciences DSc, Professor