Nigina Izatullaevna Hikmatova , Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino. Uzbekistan.Abstract
The sum total of all microorganisms that live in association with humans constitutes the human microbiome [1]. In dysbiotic conditions, a significant role is given to microorganisms that inhabit the entire genital tract, and they also have the potential to affect the success of conception and delivery. Environmental factors, a combination of prenatal, postnatal and intrapartum factors through the microbiome, influence all stages of a woman's life [3,5,7]. The ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term is largely due to the interaction of a woman's macroorganism with microorganisms involved in the formation of the microbiome of the intestine, vagina and other organs [1,2,8]. Until recently, the microbiome of the female reproductive system: as the uterine cavity, fallopian tubes, ovaries, mammary glands were considered absolutely sterile. According to modern authors it is established that in the female genital tract there is an ecological niche with a specific population of microorganisms. The microbial-tissue complex of the female genital tract being a part of a unified system of mucous membranes: gastrointestinal tract (GIT), respiratory tract, urinary system, etc., quickly responds to metabolic disorders of the organism itself and to dysbiotic changes, primarily in the GIT as the main reservoir of microbiome under the external influence of the ecosystem [4,8].
vaginal microbiome, macroorganism, microorganism, IVF
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