Bozorova Husnora Utkir qizi , Student of Karshi State University Republic of Uzbekistan, Karshi Jo`rayeva Gulandon Alisher qizi , Student of Karshi State University Republic of Uzbekistan, KarshiAbstract
Microorganisms grow and multiply like other living organisms. Growth refers to the multiplication of all chemicals, proteins, DNA, RNA, etc. For multicellular organisms, growth is usually an increase in the size of a single organism.Determined by growth, and in bacteria, on the contrary, their growth is determined by population growth or an increase in total mass. Microorganisms, i.e. bacteria, after they grow and reach a certain shape, they begin to divide, most of them divide in a simple, binary way. In bacteria, cell division is not just a means for the organism to make more bacteria, it is the only way that more bacteria can be added to the bacterial population and multiply.
Growth, DNA replication, nucleotide, peptidoglycan, asexual reproduction, generation time, lag phase, exponential growth phase, stationary growth phase, death or decline phase, viable bacteria, sexual reproduction, conjugation, genetics of microorganisms.
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