Sayfullayev Ramziddin Fazliddinovich , (assistant teacher of Samarkand State Medical University.Uzbekistan) Xolboyev Temur Sherzodovich , (Students of Samarkand State Medical University) Suyunov Azizbek Toxirovich , (Students of Samarkand State Medical University) Bozorova Shahnoza Abduhalilovna , (Students of Samarkand State Medical University) Shodiyorova Xosiyat Kamolovna , (Students of Samarkand State Medical University)Abstract
The roots of this science go back centuries. It all started with the simplest chemical research methods. For example, instead of gold coins, scammers melted them from a mixture of copper, silver and gold. By choosing a combination of red and white metals, the scammers were able to preserve the color of the gold coins, reduce their gold content, or even dispense with this precious metal.
science, silver and gold, colored powder, carbon black, graphite and lead,
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