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Shermatova Iroda Bakhtiyor qizi , (PhD), supervisor, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
Tursunova Fayruza Xusan qizi , Student of Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute


Based on the totality of information presented in the paper, the tasks of reparative regeneration during healing of skin wounds are considered. The review examines the research and prospects for the use of silver nanoparticles in the treatment of burn injuries as a carrier of medicines. The fields of application of silver nanoparticles to impart or enhance antibacterial, anti-ulcer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects of dressings and other medicinal substances are also analyzed.


gel, wound treatment, wound healing, silver nanoparticles, nanotechnology, green synthesis, antibacterial effect, anti-inflammatory property.


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BIOMEDICAL APPLICATION AND RESEARCHES OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES. (2023). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 3(9), 108-113.