Khaitov Javokhir Bakhodirovich , Department of Children, Adolescents and Food Hygiene Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Khakberdiev Khusan Raxmatulloyevich , Department of Children, Adolescents and Food Hygiene Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Kamilova Aida Sheraliyevna , Department of Children, Adolescents and Food Hygiene Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
Based on the results of our own research, examination of scientific dossier materials and literature data, it was established that dry powder from the shoots of «Mungoltin» mung bean produced by «oriona-skorpion» LLC (Uzbekistan) contains a sufficient amount of protein, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber, does not negative impact on the health status of experimental animals, does not have functional and material cumulation. Acute experiments on the establishment of medium-lethal lethal doses with intragastric administration of «Mungoltin» were carried out on 18 adult white male rats.
natural-bio-shoots mung bean «Mungoltin»; cereal rice, nutritional and biological value.
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