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Makhmudov Mukhtor Jamolovich , Professor at Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Jumaboev Bobojon Olimjonovich , Independent researcher at Karshi Engineering Economics Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan


Today, the demand for solid, liquid and gaseous energy resources in the world is growing every year. Among these resources, natural gas occupies a special place, since hydrocarbon raw materials, in particular natural gas, have a high economic efficiency in relation to other energy resources, their production, processing, transmission and storage of which is compared to other natural resources. This article presents a description of the main physicochemical properties of natural gases and modern technologies for their drying.


natural gas, inhibitor, dew point, gas drying, gas hydrates, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, mercaptan, glycol, absorbent, adsorbent, absorption, adsorption


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PREVENTION OF THE FORMATION OF GAS HYDRATES USING UNCONVENTIONAL APPROACHES. (2025). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 5(2), 30-32.