Urokova Saida Elamon qizi , 4th year student of the Tashkent Institute of Stomatology Urokova Umida Elamon qizi , 5th year student of Termiz branch of Tashkent Medical Academy Fayzieva U.R. , PhD, dotsent ,Termiz Branch of Tashkent Medical AcademyAbstract
Calcium deficiency is widespread in children of various age groups, which is primarily due to insufficient intake of calcium from food, high demand due to rapid growth and accumulation of bone mass, as well as a wide range of genetically determined, congenital or acquired diseases of organs and systems, accompanied by a violation of mineral metabolism and the development of secondary calcification . The article presents generalized data on the biological role and functions of calcium in the body of a child, discusses the physiology of calcium metabolism, as well as the main exogenous and endogenous causes of calcification and clinical symptoms of the early stages of a deficient state. In view of the widespread prevalence of calcium deficiency, the probable outcomes of this condition are presented depending on the age of the child.
calcium, children, deficiency, dietary intervention, vitamin D, bone tissue, prevention.
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