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Azizov Ulug’bek Davron o’g’li , Tashkent State Dental Institute, Faculty of International Education in General Medicine
Muxammadov Shaxriddin Erkinjon o’g’li , Tashkent State Dental Institute, Faculty of International Education in General Medicine
Jurayeva Barno Gulomovna , Tashkent State Dental Institute assistant at the department of anatomy


Chronic cystitis in children is a persistent inflammatory condition of the urinary bladder that poses unique challenges in diagnosis and management. This article comprehensively reviews the clinical features, diagnostic strategies, and treatment modalities for chronic cystitis in pediatric patients. The objective is to provide healthcare professionals with a deeper understanding of this condition, aiding in early identification and effective intervention to improve the quality of life for affected children. Chronic cystitis, a persistent inflammation of the bladder, poses a significant health concern in pediatric populations. While acute cystitis is a common occurrence in children, chronic cystitis represents a more enduring and challenging condition that can adversely impact the quality of life and long-term health of affected individuals. This article aims to comprehensively review the clinical features, diagnostic approaches, and treatment modalities of chronic cystitis in children, shedding light on the complexities associated with this condition.


chronic cystitis, pediatric urology, urinary tract infection, voiding dysfunction, diagnostic imaging, antibiotic therapy, bladder training, prevention.


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CLINICAL FEATURES, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF CHRONIC CYSTITIS IN CHILDREN. (2023). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 3(12), 86-89.