Kadirbayeva Madina Telmanovna , Bukhara State Medical InstituteAbstract
Diagnostic ultrasound (DUSI) is probably the most common modality used in obstetric practice. From A mode first described by Ian Donald for gynecology in the late 1950s, B mode in the 1970s, real-time and gray scale imaging in the early 1980s, Doppler a little later, sophisticated color Doppler in the 1990s, and 3D/quadruple ultrasound in the 2000s, DUS has not ceased to be closely associated with obstetric practice. The latest innovation is the use of artificial intelligence, which will undoubtedly play an increasing role in all aspects of our lives, including medicine and, in particular, obstetric ultrasound. In addition, new imaging techniques, enhanced training methods, improved workflow and ergonomics may also be developed in the future.
Artificial Intelligence, Doppler, obstetrics, training, ultrasound
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