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Shokhinova Anakhita Shokhinovna , Scientific adviser: Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Rakhmatova Dilnoza Doniyorovna , Scientific adviser: Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Sadriddinova Madina Ravshanovna , Scientific adviser: Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Shopulotova Z.A. , No. 1 Samarkand state medical university, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


Against the background of a low level of infant mortality, the modern health care system maintains a high incidence in the structure of infections specific to the early neonatal period, among which the leading position is occupied by intrauterine infections, which are transmitted directly from mothers [1,3,4,6]. Infection of the fetus and newborns plays an important role in the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases. The aim of the study was to identify the clinical and neurological features of congenital malformations of the central nervous system in children born to mothers with TORCH infection. In this study, we analysed the results of a survey of 57 women and their children for the presence of intrauterine infection and its impact on the child. The main stages of laboratory diagnostics have been identified. The presented article will allow doctors of specialized specialties to systematize for themselves such concepts as IUI and its risk factors, focus on the features of the clinic and diagnosis, as well as the prevention of IUI, which will reduce the incidence of IUI.  mortality in the structure of infections specific to the early neonatal period, as well as to reduce the increase in disability among young children due to this pathology.


intrauterine infection, TORCH infections, perinatal mortality, infant morbidity, ARCNS, extragenital pathology, gestosis.


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MODERN ASPECTS OF THE INFLUENCE OF INTRAUTERINE INFECTIONS ON THE FETUS. (2024). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 4(2), 88-90.