Normatov Bahodir To’xtasinovich , Fergana district named after Abu Ali ibn Sina Director of the Technical College of Public Health; Adhamov Davron Muhammadjon o’g’li , Fergana district named after Abu Ali ibn Sina Deputy director of the technical school of public healthAbstract
As the best benefit of medicine is health, this article talks about the achievements and advantages of information technology and digitization in every field of medicine to enhance this benefit.
pacemaker, auditory (cochlear) implants, dental implants, artificial joints, organ transplantation, endoscopic, minimally invasive and robotic operations, ultrasound, CT, MRI, PET/CT scans, bionic prostheses , robotic surgeons.
Civilization prospects. A kaleidoscope of facts. Problem 8. "Primitive ALLATRA physics" report.
«Пиши, сокращай», Максим Ильяхов, Людмила Сарычева
«Ясно, понятно», Максим Ильяхов
Young RJ, Horsley SD, McKenna M. The potential role of IT in supporting the work of junior doctors. J R Coll Phys Lond2000;34:366–70.PubMedWeb of ScienceGoogle Scholar https://siit.co/
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