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Tashmukhamedova Gulchekhra Takhirovna , Director of the company "Revolution team" LLC
Saidov Arslon Davron o’g’li , Doctoral student of the Scientific Research Institute for the Development of Artificial Intelligence Technologies
Narzullayev Asadbek Rustam o’g’li , Student at the institute International School of Financial Technology and Science


This article focuses on the development and optimization of a business model for a scalable online e-commerce platform. In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, having a well-defined and adaptable business model is essential for success and sustainability. The article outlines key factors to consider, such as value proposition, target market, revenue streams, technology infrastructure, logistics, marketing, customer relationship management, partnerships, data analytics, and continuous innovation. By effectively addressing these factors, businesses can create a robust and scalable business model that caters to customer preferences, generates revenue, and establishes a competitive edge in the e-commerce market.


Business model, scalability, online e-commerce platform, value proposition, target market, revenue streams, technology infrastructure, logistics, marketing, customer relationship management, partnerships, data analytics, continuous innovation.


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DEVELOPMENT AND OPTIMIZATION OF A BUSINESS MODEL FOR SCALABLE INTERNET PLATFORM ELECTRONIC COMMERCE. (2023). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 3(9), 34-41.