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Akhmadjonov Javokhir Uktamali o‘g‘li , Master of Andijan State Medical Institute
Tojiboyev Zarifjon Qofirjonovich , ADTI master
Qosimov Adham Lutfullayevich , Scientific supervisor: Professor


hydatid disease is a serious public health problem in Uzbekistan. Surgical treatment is the main treatment of hepatic echinococcosis. Considering high rate of recurrence of the disease the search for new methods of surgical treatment remains relevant. The aim of the study was to improve the efficiency and safety of surgical treatment of hepatic echinococcosis; to develop a new physical method for cleaning residual cyst cavity. 


Improvement of surgical, Echinococcosis, Liver, Hydatid cyst, Residual cavity of the liver.


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IMPROVEMENT OF SURGICAL ASPECTS IN LIVER ECHINOCOCCOSIS. (2023). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 3(2), 33-36.