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K.J. Saidov ,
Kh.Kh. Kholmurodova ,
O.Kh. Kholmurodov ,
Sh.B. Toshulatova ,


Craniocerebral injury (CCI) is an urgent problem accounting for 35-40% of all injuries in peacetime. In associated injuries, the CCI proportion reaches 70-72%. Clinical and neurological symptoms in CCI in general and in post-traumatic skull defects in particular are varied. These patients have cerebral, focal, vegetative-somatic symptoms, and some patients have epileptic seizures [3,4,6].


CCI, Clinical, skull


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THE RESEARCH OF DIFFERENT METHODS EFFICIENCY OF POSTTRAUMATIC VALVE DEFECTS PLASTY. (2022). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 2(9), 20-25.