Jorayev Muhammadyusuf Abdurakhim ugli , Andijan State Medical Institute (ASMI) 5th stage clinical pharmacy student Juraev Mukhammadyusuf , Andijan State Medical Institute (ASMI) 5th stage clinical pharmacy studentAbstract
The article presents an overview of anticancer drugs for medical use currently registered in Uzbekistan and at the final stage of their development - clinical trials in accredited testing centers for subsequent registration. The generalized information was obtained from official sources - the State Register of Medicines of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan, the Electronic Rubricator of Clinical Recommendations and Clinical Guidelines and orders on the Standards of Medical Care prepared on their basis. The place and role of chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of oncological patients and typical schemes for the use of antiblastoma agents in the most widespread and most severe nosological forms of tumor diseases are shown.
medicine, medicinal product, antitumor agents, anti-blastoma agents, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, photodynamic means, targeted therapy, cytostatic action, cytotoxic action, radiopharmaceuticals, phase specificity, cycle specificity, palliative care, adjuvant treatment, remission induction, maintenance therapy.
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