L.Romanova , Director of preschool educational organizations and retraining of specialistsand their training institute independent researcherAbstract
When studying the age characteristics of children's development, special attention should be paid to age periods. A number of scientists have conducted research on dividing children into age groups. Among them, foreign scientists such as J. Plake (1896-1970), L. Kolberg, A. Vallon, R. Zazzo, G. Grimm, L. S. Vygotsky, L. I. Bojovich, D. B. Elkonin, A. Russian scientists such as A. Lyublinskaya, A. V. Petrovsky, Uzbek psychologists such as M. Vohidov, E. Goziev, S. A. Akhundzhanova, M. Sh. Rasulova, R. I. Sunnatova on the division of children's age into different age stages those who conducted scientific research. Based on these, children's age can be divided into the following stages.
period of infancy, early childhood, preschool period , child's life, intensive development;
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