Sotiboldiyeva Mahzuna , UzSWLU English in primary Education DepartmentAbstract
In addition, innovative lecturers should also be adaptable and willing to try new approaches, as the educational landscape is constantly evolving. They should also be able to effectively communicate with students and provide constructive feedback that encourages growth and development. Moreover, innovative lecturers should also be able to incorporate diverse perspectives and experiences into their teaching methods, creating a more inclusive and equitable learning environment. This can be achieved by incorporating culturally responsive teaching practices, such as incorporating diverse materials and perspectives into the curriculum. Overall, the role of the innovative lecturer is crucial in creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment that fosters deeper learning and prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century. By embracing modern teaching methods and engaging in reflective practice, lecturers can create a transformative educat
Interactive learning, interactive activities, standard lessons, interactive lessons, discussion, exchange information, learning models, active interaction, individual contribution, mutual support, think critically, solve problems.
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