Yusupova Manzura Uktamovna , Bukhara state university, Senior Lecturer of Department “World historyAbstract
Kitchen utensils are a form of material culture and an important component of ethnography. Since time immemorial, our people have paid great attention to kitchen utensils and related products, and they have been passed down from generation to generation as an essential part of our traditional way of life. Kitchen equipment is a product of human ingenuity over the centuries and comes from the lifestyle of each family in relation to the culture of cooking and eating. In the house of the Bukhara oasis, women were engaged in kitchen utensils and the rules for their use.The woman was considered the mistress of the house, and all the chores were her responsibility. The kitchen, which prepares traditional, daily meals, is always clean and tidy, and in addition to paying special attention to lighting the fire in the oven and oven, they also pay special attention to kitchen equipment and utensils.
tradition, dishes, copper pot, palovnik, kapkir, stove, oven, gas stove, food, spice.
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