Murodullayeva Sarvinoz Oʻtkirbek qizi , Student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Termiz State Pedagogical Institute Murodullayeva Farangiz Oʻtkirbek qizi , Student of the Faculty of Biology of Samarkand State University Ziyayev Farrux Abdusalim oʻgʻli , Student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Termiz State Pedagogical InstituteAbstract
Malaria is a disease that occurs among people, and it is an acute infectious disease. Several types of malaria are found among the population. This disease is one of the diseases spread among humans by means of flies. 4 types of the disease are more common. Malaria is transmitted to humans by female mosquitoes. This disease develops gradually in the human body. At first, it parasitizes in the liver, then in tissues, and finally in erythrocytes, which are shaped elements of blood.
infection, invasion, anopheles, virus, plasmodium, prescription, chloroquine, rheumatoid.
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