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Iskandarova F.I. , PhD, Assistant of the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Pediatrics, Samarkand State Medical University
Amonova Shakhrizod , student of group 416, Faculty of Pediatrics, Samarkand State Medical University


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that mainly affects the joints, especially the joints of the hands and feet. The disease is caused by the immune system attacking itself and causing inflammation in the tissues between the joints. RA is more common in women than men and is most common in the 30-60 age group. The disease can cause joint deformity, immobility, and pain. This article provides detailed information about the causes, diagnostic methods, treatment methods, and preventive measures of rheumatoid arthritis. Modern methods such as medications, physiotherapy, and exercise are used to effectively treat rheumatoid arthritis. Early detection and proper treatment of the disease play an important role in improving the patient's overall quality of life.


Rheumatoid arthritis, joints, immune system, inflammation, diagnostics, treatment, biologics, physiotherapy, chronic disease, pain, joint deformity.


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RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT ALGORITHMS. (2025). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 5(2), 40-44.