Ruzimova Yulduzkhan Jumanazar kizi , Teacher of the "Mathematical Analysis" department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Urganch State UniversityAbstract
This scientific article describes the methodology of developing the professional competence of talented students with the help of educational platforms. The need to use innovative technologies in education, the effectiveness of directing students to professional activities through modern platforms is scientifically based. The research examines the types of platforms, their functionality, their impact on the educational process, and their role in improving students' professional skills. At the same time, ways of personalizing the educational process for gifted students, creating an interactive environment, and integrating knowledge with practice were analyzed. In conclusion, innovative methodical approaches to the development of students' professional competence through educational platforms were proposed.
Educational platforms, professional competence, gifted students, innovative technologies, interactive education, personalized education, methodical approach.
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