Durdona Axmadova Axror qizi , Uzbekistan state world languages university English philology facultyAbstract
This research article investigates the useful strategies for self-study of the English language. The study employs a mixed-methods research design to explore learners' experiences, perceptions, and strategies in their self-study practices. Online platforms, language exchange programs, and mobile apps are identified as valuable resources. The conclusions drawn from this research have implications for learners, educators, and institutions involved in English language education. By incorporating the identified strategies, learners can optimize their self-study experience and achieve their language goals. Future research can further explore specific aspects of self-study strategies and learner variables. Overall, this research contributes to a comprehensive understanding of effective self-study strategies for English language acquisition.
self-study, English language, strategies, effectiveness, motivation, goal setting, online platforms, language exchange, challenges.
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