Suyunov A.T. , Scientific supervisor: Student of the Faculty of Therapy of Tashkent Medical Academy Sobirova D.R. , Scientific supervisor: Student of the Faculty of Therapy of Tashkent Medical AcademyAbstract
Diabetes is a malfunction of metabolic processes, which occurs due to a decrease in the level of insulin and an increase in the amount of sugar in the blood. The disease is chronic and there is often a risk of worsening. Conditions caused by diabetes can lead to death (that is hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic coma). According to statistics, diabetes is the second most common disease caused by metabolic disorders (obesity is in first place). Globally, diabetes is diagnosed in one tenth of the population. Considering that the disease can pass without symptoms, scientists assume that the percentage of patients with diabetes is actually much higher.
liver, insulin, ketoacidosis, glucose
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