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Kurbanova Dilnozakhan Asilbekovna , Master’s Student: Tashkent Medical Academy 2nd Department of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology
Rakhimberdieva Ziyoda Agzamovna , Assistant Scientific Advisor: PhD,


The metabolic role of prolactin has become a relevant topic in recent years. It has been established that an excess of prolactin (PRL) leads to increased body weight, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and disturbances in glucose-insulin and lipid profiles. This is mainly attributed to the suppression of physiological dopaminergic tone. Research has shown that prolactin receptors and dopamine receptors are expressed in both pancreatic β-cells and adipose tissue, confirming the essential role of prolactin and dopamine in peripheral metabolic regulation. Medical treatment with dopamine agonists, such as bromocriptine and cabergoline, helps reduce metabolic syndrome and obesity, as well as significantly improve glucose-insulin and lipid profiles.


Overweight, glucose, insulin, lipid profile, hyperprolactinemia, HOMA-IR


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HYPERPROLACTINEMIA AND OVERWEIGHT. (2025). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 5(3), 5-9.