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Soatova Xolnisa Raxmat qizi , A student of the Termiz branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy
Ibragimov Tojidin Begmamat o'g'li , A student of the Termiz branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy
Joʻrayev Ruzimurod Ergash o'g'li , A student of the Termiz branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy
Qayumov Yusuf Abdirosulovich , A student of the Termiz branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy
Qurbonov Abdulfayz Abdirayim o'g'li , A student of the Termiz branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy


Nowadays, the histological study of the kidney is gaining importance in medicine.


Kidney, nephron, cortex, medulla, Shumlyansky-Baumen capsule, Malpighian tangle, primary convoluted tubule, secondary convoluted tubule, gene loop, collecting tubules, filtration barrier, reverse flow mechanism, forced reabsorption, filtration, podocytes, parietal and visceral sheets, cytotrabeculae, cytopedicles


To’xtayev Q.R Gistologiya

Zufarov. Gistologiya

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Mirzaali o’g’li, A. J., Shodiqul o’g’li, X. I., Fozil o’g’li, N. A., Eminjon o’g’li, S. X., & Aliqul o’g’li, N. B. (2022). ANESTHESIA AND ITS GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. Gospodarka i Innowacje., 28, 191-192.

Mirzaali o’g’li, A. J., Shodiqul o’g’li, X. I., Eminjon o’g’li, S. X., Aliqul o’g’li, N. B., & Begzod o’g’li, M. M. (2022). Importance of medical prevention in medicine. Texas Journal of Medical Science, 13, 175-176.

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HISTOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF KIDNEYS. (2023). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 3(1), 30-32.