Kaxxarova Erkatoy Anvarovna , (Samarkand State Medical University) Rustamova Zarina Ulugbekovna , (Samarkand State Medical University) Eshkulova Vazira Xamzayevna , (Samarkand State Medical University) A.E. Kubaev , Scientific supervisor: (Samarkand State Medical University)Abstract
The article is devoted to mental illnesses, their causes, varieties and modern methods of treatment. It examines the main types of mental disorders, their causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment, as well as preventive measures. Attention is also paid to rare cases of mental illnesses that played a significant role in the history of medicine. Mental disorders require an integrated approach to treatment and prevention.
mental disorders, depression, schizophrenia, treatment, diagnosis, therapy, neurotic disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotherapy, psychiatry.
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