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Mamatkulov Z.U. , Tashkent Pharmaceuticals Institute, department of industrial technology of drugs, associate professor
Kayumova G.G. , Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, department of biotechnology, assistant teacher


Calendula officinalis (Calendula), Asteraceae to his family, usually known as English Marigold or Pot Marigold fragrant grass is traditional medicine in the system for ulcers, stomach ulcers, herpes, scars, skin injury, cold and the cold in treatment is used blood cleaning. Its different biological activities because of analgesic, diabetes, wound and inflammation against diseases treatment is used. It is also gastrointestinal, gynaecological, and eye diseases of skin damage and some burns in cases used. Calendula was considered a symbol of constancy in love, so grooms gave bouquets of sunny baskets to their lovers, these flowers decorated wedding celebrations, and girls wove wreaths from calendula on birthdays. In this study we studied protein and micro and macro element constituents of Calendula officinalis, and results have shown it contains ample amount of protein and elements.


Protein, Calendula officinalis, elements, treatment, fragrant, medicine, micro and macro, inflammation, flavonoids.


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DETERMINATION OF THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE PLANT CALENDULA OFFICINALIS. (2023). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 3(9), 134-138.