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Makhsudova Marjona Umidjon kizi , Fergana specialized status boarding school Teacher of the Department of Music Theory


This article is dedicated to the study of the specific characteristics of Uzbek classical music, the history of its development and its importance as a cultural heritage. Uzbek classical music is a product of rich musical traditions formed over the centuries, and it expresses the people's way of life, religious and cultural values. In the article, the main genres of Uzbek classical music - maqam, ashula and lapar are widely analyzed, and their historical and musical analysis is given. Also, problems and solutions in the preservation and development of classical music in modern times are considered.


Uzbek classical music, status, singing, lapar, musical heritage, cultural tradition, music history.


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How to Cite

UZBEK CLASSICAL MUSIC. (2024). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 4(10), 15-17.