Shakhnoza Sultanova , Senior teacher, Doctor of philosophy (PhD) of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature Named after Alisher NavoiAbstract
In this article, the researcher reflects on the issues related to the criteria for creating an electronic dictionary of grammatical terms of his class. The basis of the article is the clarification of the opinions of Uzbek and foreign scientists in the corpus field, the description of the technological process of the corpus design, the main differences between dictionaries and traditional dictionaries, the ways of forming the base of the electronic dictionary of Uzbek and English grammatical terms are given in detail. In this case, the dictionary database consists of the term in Uzbek language, its explanation, the corresponding grammatical/linguistic tag, the synonym of the term, its symbol, its equivalent in English, the interpretation of the term in English.
grammatical terms, corpus, own layer, terminology, terminography, educational corpus, electronic dictionary.
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