Bekmuratova Maryam Sharipbaevna , Public health in the name of Khujayli Abu Ali ibn Sina technical school teachers of special subjects Kulimbetova Saodat Yuldashbayevna , Public health in the name of Khujayli Abu Ali ibn Sina technical school teachers of special subjects Dostonova Nasiba Makhsudovna , Public health in the name of Khujayli Abu Ali ibn Sina technical school teachers of special subjects Bakhiyeva Mnaykhan Adilbayevna , Public health in the name of Khujayli Abu Ali ibn Sina technical school teachers of special subjects Djumaniyazova Nodira Maulinbergenovna ,Abstract
The importance of the kidney in managing the activity of the body is very great. The kidney removes waste products, excess water, salts, and some drugs from the body. Thus, this organ actively participates in water-salt exchange, management of acid-base balance, osmoregulation. It ensures the stability of the internal environment.
Endocrine, nephrons, Proximal, kidney patients, filtration, secretion, reabsorption.
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