Abdalova Mekhriniso Bakhramovna , 1st year master's student at Urgench Ranch Technological University Sapayev Odilbek Tokhirovich , 1st year master's student at Urgench Ranch Technological University Annayeva Nazokat Rajabbayeva , Scientific visor: Yangi Asr University Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc) Professor ActingAbstract
This article analyzes the pedagogical possibilities of protecting young people from information attacks. In today's globalization, it is important to form a sufficient information culture for the younger generation, protect them from harmful information, and develop critical thinking skills. The article highlights the negative impact of information attacks on society and the minds of young people, as well as the role of educational institutions in preventing them. Modern innovative technologies, media literacy, and information security principles are considered as important factors in protecting young people from information attacks based on pedagogical approaches. The results of the article offer scientific and practical recommendations for building youth immunity against information threats.
Youth, information attacks, pedagogical possibilities, media literacy, information security, critical thinking, globalization, educational institutions, innovative technologies, information culture.
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