Abdueva Muattar Navruzboevna , Termiz State University Faculty of Russian and related languages, 3-rd year studentAbstract
The following article is about the work of Amir Umar Khan, a talented and willful poet of the Kokand literary circle, who followed and imitated his own style according to the taste, knowledge, intelligence, knowledge and demand of his predecessors. Literary spirit of his time. Amir Umar Khan calls speech teachers Hafiz Sherozi, Kamoli Khojandi, Abdurahmani Jami, Alisher Navoi, Babur and Bedil as his leaders and followed them and created ghazals... Tajik Persian literature in Movarunnahr is from ancient times. has been developing until now with its own style and directions, which is no less than the Persian literature of other countries. Over the centuries, 19th century literature has also contributed to the field of discourse by many speakers, some of whom were masters. From this point of view, it is important to describe this period of literature as one of the most productive periods of Tajik literature. Beginning with the book "Sample of Tajik literature" by Ustoz S. Aini, many linguists and researchers have tried to study and review the literature of this period in the research works of a number of scientists. those who did. E. Bertels, I. S. Braginsky, A. Mirzoev, N. Masumi, H. Mirzozoda, R. Hadizoda, S. Sa'diev, U. Karimov, S. Amirkulov, E. Shodiev, S. Sultan, A. Rahmonov and others [3, 39-40].
Amir Umar Khan, Kokand literary region, classic Persian-Tajik poetry, influence, narrative and response writing tradition.
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