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Mirodilova F.B. , Tashkent medical academy
Аliyev A.Sh. , Tashkent medical academy
Kurbanova M. , Tashkent medical academy
Abboskhonova F.Kh. , Tashkent medical academy


The study included 102 patients with various forms of acne who were treated as outpatients and inpatients in a skin hospital based at the Tashkent Medical Academy. Patients were monitored for 6 months from the onset of the underlying disease. All patients with various forms of acne were analyzed the pH level of the face at five points: the forehead, both cheeks, nose and chin.


acne, pH-metry.


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SKIN PH LEVEL IN DIFFERENT FORMS OF ACNE. (2024). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 4(1), 142-147.