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Dalibaev Koniratbay Ongarbaevich , The Russian National Scientific Research Medical University Named After N. I. Pirogov (Rnrmu) Resident Of Cardiovascular Surgery


This article provides the main measures of understanding and preventing coronary heart disease. It covers the essential knowledge and strategies for maintaining heart health and reducing the risk of developing heart disease. The article also discusses to educate and empower readers to take control of their cardiovascular health through a range of preventive measures. According to the result of the reasearch, the preventive measures are considered as a valuable resource for individuals looking to improve their heart health and overall well-being.


Coronary heart disease, prevention, risk factors, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, lifestyle modifications, health screenings, medication options, healthcare professionals, proactive steps.


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THE MEASURES OF PREVENTING CORONARY HEART DISEASE. (2023). International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 3(12), 27-30.