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Siddiqova Osiyo Normurod qizi , Tashkent state Uzbek language and doctoral student of the University of Literature Named after Alisher Navoi


Comedy is a comic event that has a social content, is aimed at a specific goal, and serves to create a comic conflict. It is important to pay more attention to the aesthetics and naturalness of such laughter. It will not be a mistake to call comedy and comic as synonyms in our literary studies, because these terms mean exactly the same thing. The true value of comedy is that it is a phenomenon so closely related to our social life that it loses its meaning without it. Comicism is created in social opposition, as well as through the attitude of us humans to the reality of the existing system.


comedy, comic, comic, comic situation, comic character, conflict, drama, genre, type, literature, artistic, scientific, hero, skill.


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A WORD ABOUT COMIC. (2023). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(11), 713-718.