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Nodira Egamkulova , Termiz State University doctor of philosophy in philological sciences , associate professor


By the 20th century, Uzbek literature began to experiment with many genres. More attention was paid to the ideological issues of literature than to the aesthetic aspects. The unity of literature and journalism has increased. Therefore, in the literature of this period, the border between journalistic and artistic genres disappeared, their features overlapped. Prose mixed with elements of drama. The form and content of the poem have been updated. Finger and arm weights have become popular. Prose literary genres in this season: travel, comedy, story, commentary, anecdote; genres of literary criticism are classified as reviews, literary-critical articles, letters, and advertising-criticisms. The introduction of theater, stage plays and reviews of them gave birth to a real literary criticism


travel, comedy, story, commentary, anecdote; genres of literary criticism are classified as reviews, literary-critical articles, letters, and advertising-criticisms.


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Miyon Buzruk. O`zbek teatr tarixi uchun materiallar. – Toshkent: O`z SSR Davlat nashriyoti, 1935. – Б.111

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Муаллифи кўрсатилмаган. Самарқандда тиётр // Ойина.1914.№12. – Б.285.

Ҳожи Муин ибн Шукрулло. Танбеҳга ташаккур // Ойина.1915.№7. – Б152.

Қосимов, Б. Излай-излай топганим. – Тошкент: Ғафур Ғулом номидаги адабиёт ва санъат нашриёти, 1983. – Б.45.

Қуронов, Д. Адабиёт назарияси асослари. – Тошкент: “Navoiy universiteti”, 2018. – Б. 426-427.

Самарқандда тиётр // Ойина. 1913. №10. Б.234

Сайидов, Ҳ. Беҳбудийнинг сафдоши // Ўзбекситон адабиёти ва санъати. 2003 22-23-сон.

Театр ҳам концерт // Садойи Туркистон. 1914. №28

Тўй. (эълон) // Ойина.1914.№54. – Б.30.

Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти Ш.М.Мирзиёевнинг Тошкент шаҳридаги Адиблар хиёбонига ташрифи чоғида сўзлаган нутқи. Халқ сўзи, 2020 йил 21 май, №106 (7608).

Egamkulova N. Problems of the Literary process at the beginning of the XX century // ISJ Theoretical and applied sciences. – Philadelphia, USA, 2021.15.06.2021–№ 10 (78). – P. 376-379. DOI: 10.15863/ТАС Impact Factor: 6.6

Egamkulova N. Turkistonda milliy matbuot, adabiyot va adabiy til // O‘zbekiston: til va madaniyat. 2022 №2. – B. 89-103

N.Egamqulova. “Oyina” – first uzbek national magazine// International Journal on Integrated Education (IJIE). – Indonesia, 2019. Vol. 2, Issue – 5. –P. 91-93.Impact Factor: 7.2.

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JADID PRESS AND THEATER. (2023). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(5), 665-668.