Kuchkarova Shaxodat Ruzievna , senior teacher, Deparment of Foreign LanguagesAbstract
Bukhara is one of the ancient cities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the administrative, economic and cultural center of Bukhara region. It was one of the largest shopping malls on the Great Silk Road. It is located in the southwest of Uzbekistan, in the lower reaches of the Zarafshan River. The tenth-century historian Muhammad Narshahi's History of Bukhara provides information about Bukhara. Coins found in Bukhara testify to the development of trade and commodity relations. Depending on the coins, it is possible to see the change of the ruling dynasties, the names of the rulers, the naming of titles, the symbols of the dynasty - the emblem and other images. This article provides general information, opinions and comments about individuals and saints born and educated in Bukhara.
Bukhara, great scholars, saints, Abu Ali Ibn Sino, Imam al-Bukhari, historical works, artistic and scientific heritage.
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How did the great scholar Ahmad Donish preserve the ancient monuments of Bukhara? | Uzbekistan Travel 2019
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