Karimov M.A. , Impuls Medical Institute, Namangan Sh., Uzbekistan Kholmirzaev O.N. , Namangan State University Faculty of Medicine, Namangan Sh., Uzbekistan Inomov Q.S. , Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan Sh., Uzbekistan. Karimkulov N.A. , Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan Sh., Uzbekistan. Mirzakarimov B.N. , Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan Sh., Uzbekistan.Abstract
This article describes the clinic, prevalence, modern diagnosis, stages of development, classification and results of drug treatment of hemangioma located in the facial area. In the study, the results of treatment of 120 patients with facial hemangioma were analyzed.
Hemangioma, propronalol, dopplerography, medical treatment.
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