Rakhmanova S.S. , Candidate of Medical Sciences Bobojanov Khudoybergan , Urganch Branch of Tashkent Medical Academy The field of therapy is a 2nd stage master's studentAbstract
279 patients who applied with the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease, unstable tension angina, and ventricular fibrillation were taken as the material of the scientific research in the emergency cardiology department of the Khorezm regional branch of the Republican Emergency Medical Research Center. Sudden coronary death is the most common death in people with chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
Sudden coronary death, ischemic heart disease, unstable angina pectoris, ventricular fibrillation, pulse, unstable angina, myocardial infarction in the first hours, previous myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure, cardiomegaly, Brugada syndrome
Disease history of the emergency cardiology department of the Khorezm regional branch of the Republican scientific center for emergency medical care
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