Jumayeva Dilnoza Abdusattor qizi , Denov Entrepreneurship and Pedagogical Institute, department of BiologyAbstract
Pine is a coniferous tree belonging to the pine family, and about 100 species are known. The height of a pine tree is 25-30 m, the branches are wide, the conifers are 8-15 cm, thin, pencil-shaped, dark green, hard, with a sharp tip. The dome is large, 6-10 cm long, 4-5 cm wide, the grains are rhomboid, shiny, brownish yellow. Pine does not choose environmental conditions. In southern conditions, it forms a forest in mountainous areas, on sandy river banks, in swamps.
tree, height, leaf, flower, root, stem, branch, branch, annual, buds, busy, pollinated, wind pollinated, panicle, bark, toothed, maternal flowers, paternal flowers, Inflorescence, unisex, bud, hairy, seed, type, landscape, young.
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