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Nabiyeva Parvina Akbarjonovna ,
Erkin Muhammad Aalim ,


One of the most important and urgent issues facing applied linguistics is the development of Uzbek linguistics and the further increase of the prestige of our native language at the world level. We, the youth, must take this responsibility. After all, our president Shavkat Mirziyoyev says this about the state policy aimed at educating the young generation: “Our young people are independent thinkers, highly intellectual and spiritual we will mobilize all the efforts and capabilities of our country and society so that they can become people who have potential and become happy people who are not idle to their peers on a global scale.”The computerization of the Uzbek language, which is a modern science requirement, is being formed based on the world experience.


Computer linguistics, electronic dictionaries, thesaurus, ideographic thesaurus.


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Azarova I.V. Computer thesaurus of the Russian language type WordNet // Computer technology and intellectual technology. Conference Dialog, 2003. / Azarova I.V., Mitrofanova, O.A., Sinopalnikova, A.A. // M., C. 43-50.

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IMPORTANCE OF THESAURUS DICTIONARIES IN LINGUISTICS. (2023). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(6), 543-547.