Usmonov Baxtiyorjon Arobidin o’g’li , ASMI, Head of departament of therepuetical dentistry Mingboyeva Mohlaroyim Xolmurod qizi , Resident of departament of therepuetical dentistry. Xamidova Guldonaxon Baxtiyor qizi , Resident of departament of therepuetical dentistry.Abstract
The knowledge that caries is a dynamic and reversible process has led to the development of new technologies capable of detecting caries at the earliest stages (before the appearance of a cavity) for timely treatment and prevention. 70 years of experience in the use of fluorides for the prevention of caries has shown their reliability and ability to participate in the remineralization of hard dental tissues, but their effectiveness decreases in the acidic environment of dental plaque (with poor oral hygiene). Daily oral hygiene using a paste containing 1.5% arginine, 1450 ppm fluoride and calcium bicarbonate helps to stop the development of dental caries and reduces the risk of new cavities even in conditions of poor oral hygiene.
dental caries, microbial biofilm, fluorides, arginine, remineralization, neutralizer.
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