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Kochkarova Elmira Rashidovna , Russian language teacher of the department "Uzbek and Foreign Languages"
Kamoliddinova Shamsiya , student


This article describes at the most important problems from previously discovered issues of learning Russian, conclusions made would help professors know the future steps to be taken in assisting students in becoming proficient in Russian. Two groups of students were studied: a group only recently introduced to proper pronunciation and another group who worked extensively for three months on techniques for proper pronunciation. From the two groups of participants, recordings were used to compare the groups to see which problems were apparent at the beginning and which problems continued into higher levels of learning. For both groups, the most important problem was word stress. Other issues found included vowel reduction, palatalization of vowels, assimilation of prepositions to the following word, and intonation. However, the group who worked extensively on these pronunciation issues showed far more improvement than those only introduced to the concepts. It was also discovered that these issues are not resolved subconsciously, and a great deal of time must be spent focusing on them to ensure pronunciation problems do not continue into the more advanced levels of Russian learning. 


Russian language, pronunciation difficulties, intonation, word stress


Avanesov, R. I. (1964). Modern Russian stress. London: Pergamon Press.

Bauer, L. (2007). The linguistics student’s handbook. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Bratus, B. V. (1972). Russian intonation. London: Pergamon Press.

Wells, J. C. (2006). English intonation. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Woods, H. B. (1987). Syllable stress and unstress. Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Government Publishing Centre

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PHONETIC PERCEPTION AND PRONUNCIATION DIFFICULTIES OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. (2023). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(3), 540-544.