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Khudayberdieva Makhliyo , Master student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages


The study on neologisms or the new words created in a language has been gaining strength lately and has been getting the attention of linguists. It is obvious that neologisms produce a feeling of curiosity since they frequently appear in the vocabulary of speakers quite suddenly. For this reason, researchers have tried to explain how they are created and have also tried to classify them into different categories, even though they do not always coincide in their approach. While there is a general awareness of the meaning of neologisms that we use daily, researchers have investigated the reasons for their emergence, the preference that speakers show among competing forms of these new words and how they develop. The main aim of this paper is to understand neologisms in English and in the second place to discuss their emergence in different areas as a consequence of a number of specific factors and circumstances such as the development of technology and science,  news and advertisingand sphere of the Internet.This article discusses neologisms in the English language and how they come about in modern times.


neologism, word- formation, types of neologisms, new words, technology, advertising, news.


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CREATION OF NEOLOGISMS IN MODERN ENGLISH LANGUAGE. (2023). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(10), 208-213.