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Murodjon Anorboev , Teacher of the Criminal Law Department of Special Brench of Tashkent State University of Law. UZBEKISTAN


The article emphasizes that today offenses, the fight against crime and their prevention are one of the most important tasks for all states, the prevalence of this crime, and not the punishment of persons who committed the crime of interfering in the investigation or resolution of court cases.


Interference in investigation or consideration of cases in court, interference in investigation , investigation, interference in consideration of cases in court, comparative-legal, formal-legal, gradual digitalization of the judicial system, the role of the judicial community, the true independence of the judiciary, the judicial system;normative legal acts, crime prevention system, law – priority, punishment — inevitability.


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MEASURES TO PREVENT INTERFERENCE IN INVESTIGATION OR CONSIDERATION OF CASES IN COURT. (2022). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 2(10), 217-224.