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Yu.R.Jumayev , Senior teacher “Management of preschool education” department


The article examines the digitization of all aspects of our life, including the role of digital technologies in preschool education, and the problems of modern education. The importance of digital technologies in preschool education, the requirements for their rational and effective use are presented. The article discusses the current problems of the theory and methodology of the use of information and communication technologies and digital technologies as a means of the modern educational process that increases the cognitive activity, outlook and motivation of children of preschool and primary school age, which is considered an important need of the current era of globalization. It is said that the use of digital technologies in the process of education and upbringing guarantees the achievements of preschool children.


Digital technologies , information from computer technologies, traffic rules, mobile applications, Animation, slide presentations, movies, Road traffic accidents.


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TRAFFIC RULES THROUGH DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION. (2023). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(12), 233-235.