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R.R.Ismoilov , Master Student, Phd, Associate Professor Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute, Uzbekistan
U.M. Ibragimov , Phd, Associate Professor Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute, Uzbekistan


Our goal is to provide better quality tomatoes to meet the market standards and for that we need fresh and ripe tomatoes instead of unripe tomatoes. Sorting of tomatoes is done by humans which is prone to human error. We need to minimize the error and for that a low cost Tomato Sorting Machine is proposed which differentiates between ripe and unripe tomatoes on the basis of their colour. To differentiate between ripe and unripe tomatoes two TCS3200 RGB Colour Sensors are used in the proposed system.


Agro-industries, automation systems, classification and sorting, vector machine


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AUTOMATION IN THE TOMATO SORTING PROCESS USING INFORMATION COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. (2022). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 2(11), 122-131.