Makhsumov Sh.M. , Associate Professor of Pharmacology Department of Tashkent Medical Academy Zayseva O.A. , Associate Professor of Pharmacology Department of Tashkent Medical Academy Mamadaliev Sh.M. , Assistant of the Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Biotechnology of Andijan Medical Institute Kakhkharova Sh.B. , Assistant of the department of pharmacology of the Tashkent Medical Academy Djanaev G.Yu. , Assistant of the Department of Medical Biological Sciences of KIUT PhD student of the Tashkent Medical AcademyAbstract
Tincture of DOY (a collection of medicinal plants) has a positive therapeutic effect on experimental animals. The general condition of the animals has improved, appetite for food has increased significantly. By the end of the experiment, the weight of the animals that received the tincture of DOY increased by 18.5% compared to the control group. The following results were obtained in the peripheral blood analyzes conducted during the experiment:
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